Why I’ve slacked. xD

Hey guys! 😀 I’m sure you’re wondering why I haven’t really done much on this blog in forever… Well! Here’s why! 😀

This changed a lot in the past, but I think I finally have it the way I want it. 🙂

That’s right! I now have a blogspot blog!

Click here to go see it! 😀

It’s MUCH easier to use, and customize, and make pretty, and interesting, and it’s jut a whole lot better than Word Press! 😀 Go seeeee it! 😀 😀 lol

Let me know what you think of it!

How to…

Here are the instructions I promised.

First the den one. This is how I did both of the den pictures that I have up here on my blog. I hope this helps!

ImageHere’s how to do the animal picture. I really like doing this one. It’s fun to put a real animal with an AJ one. ^.^


I hope they help, guys! 😀 If not, let me know and I’ll try to do it better.

Wolves–Amazing animals

Okay, so I thought it might be kind of neat to do facts about every animal in Animal Jam. Here’s the first one.


Wolves: the most popular animal on AJ, and a very fascinating type of wild animal. They are quickly becoming more and more endangered due to poaching and habitat loss.

Wolves can weigh anywhere from a small 40 pounds, to a hefty 175 pounds. They 4’6″ and 6’6″ long, from the tip of their tails to the end of their muzzles. At the shoulder, they measure between 26 and 32 inches tall. They have very large feet which can be 4 to 5 inches wide! Wolves have 42 VERY sharp teeth. They can live for up to 13 years in the wild, but their average wild lifespan is about 6 to 8 years. In captivity, they can live up to 16 years. Their fur color varies from gray, tan and brown to pure white or black.

Wolves live in packs ranging from 2 wolves, to 30, and they hunt together. Their diet consists mostly of deer, moose, caribou, elk, bison, musk-oxen and beaver. They have been know to survive on voles and mice if need be. A wolf can eat up to 20 pounds of meat in one meal. Talk about overeating! But the reason they do this is because they don’t know when they will be able to find more food next. They eat a lot to make sure their bodies are getting enough nutrients and calories to sustain them until the next time they find prey.

Wolves breed once a year, and give birth to litters of 4-6 cubs. Wolf cubs weigh about 1 pound at birth, and cannot see or hear. As many as 50% of wild wolf cubs do not live to adulthood. This is because of either malnutrition (which means they are not healthy), extreme weather conditions, or predators such as other wolves, snakes, and, sadly, humans. All the adults in a pack help with the care of the pups. They bring the pups food, and take turns watching the pups while the others hunt.

Have you ever wondered why wolves howl? Howling strengthens the bond between pack members, making for a more unified, and stronger pack. When a pack is separated for various reasons, howling lets other pack members know where everyone is. Howling also warns other wolf packs to stay away.

All in all, wolves are amazing animals. 🙂

Post a comment and let me know what animal you’d like to see next on here.

Fun in the Sun!


With Summer on it’s way, everyone should be enjoying the outdoors! Here are some fun, creative ways to do that!


Have a pool party! Go swimming with your friends and have a blast! Swimming is one of my favorite things to do in the summer. Be sure to put on sun screen! 😀


Have a picnic! Even if it’s in your backyard, picnic-ing is a blast! Food tastes much better outdoors, in my opinion. 🙂

More to come, but I don’t have time today. That would be lame if I only thought of 2 idea. xD I have LOTS more in mind. 😀

To delete, or not to delete… That is the question…


Hey guys, I have a question. I’ve been debating whether or not I should delete this den. It’s just not me, but I do kinda sorta like it. After all – it is HUGE. What do you think? Post a comment answering this question, or send me a jam-a-gram on Animal Jam and let me know what you think. Please be completely honest with me! I promise you will not hurt my feelings. Thanks! 😀